Michael often shares in powerful video podcasts. As a more relational format, podcasts are a great way to share from the heart the real world application of biblical truths.
Radical Transformation
Michael shares his testimony of salvation, deliverance and Spirit baptism. With his dear brother in Christ, Samuel, who leads Whole Heart Movement Ministries, Michael details the amazing transformation that came to his lost soul when he encountered Jesus Christ on his twenty first birthday.

Remaining Connected in Christ
Michael chats with his long time brother in Christ and professional artist, Jonah Davison. they cover some of the material found in Kingdom Resolution while answering the question, "How do we remain connected as a family in Christ?" This podcast is the first surprise announcement of Michaels not yet published book.

After Asbury
Michael chats with Pastor Samuel about their experience at the "Asbury Revival". As charismatic ministers, their unique perspective of what they witnessed brings much clarity to what has become a controversial event in church history. The isle floor at Asbury is in fact where Michael and Samuel met, and the story of how that happened is incredible!